
This is the most common and well known form of massage. Swedish massage uses gliding strokes with a variable amount of pressure while directing the blood towards the heart. This is great for releasing muscular tension throughout the body. Joint movement to increase mobility is typically included in this treatment.

Deep Tissue

A type of massage which utilizes swedish techniques with more specific and firmer pressure. Primarily used to treat soft tissue injuries such as low back or shoulder pain, deep tissue massage is not just about firm pressure. Most people think deep tissue equals hard and painful. While I do have very firm, strong pressure, deep tissue massaging is more about working my way through the layers of fascia (chains of connective tissue surrounding our muscles and organs) and muscle to get into your tissue better. This requires some warm up so my pressure will start off a bit lighter, but don't worry, I've never had a patient tell me my pressure wasn't enough for them.


Sometimes you just need to de-stress, relax and unwind. Maybe you don't have pain but have tension from postural stress and work. Desk job? This takes a toll on the body. Both mental and physical stress manifests itself in the body and sometimes you just need time to get away from the hectic schedule, the constantly buzzing phone and spend some time focusing on just YOU.


The pregnant body experiences both hormonal and physical changes. During this time, massage is safe at any stage during pregnancy unless stated otherwise by a Doctor. Unless you are still in your first trimester, you will be treated lying on your side on the table with plenty of pillows to make sure you are comfortable. Both abdominal and breast massage are recommended during pregnancy which I will be more than happy to perform. Abdominal massage (which includes the ribs) can help improve breathing and can be a fantastic help throughout the second and third trimester. Improving breathing means more oxygen into the body and the brain. Breast tissue undergoes a lot of changes during pregnancy, and massage can help relieve some of the pressure and alleviate symptoms and breast pain. I also offer a baby friendly space, with a playpen and baby chair for your convenience.


Beneficial for infants who suffer from colic and digestive concerns such as constipation and gas. Infants do not need to have any ongoing issues to receive massage, they enjoy it just like you! Massage stimulates the circulatory, musculoskeletal and nervous system in your infant which can help regulate sleep patterns.

You know your baby best, be sure to bring some small toys, receiving blankets, extra diapers or anything your baby may need during that time. It is recommended to book an hour massage for your infant, although only about 20 minutes is spent massaging. The rest is used for feeding, change time, fussiness or any surprises we may need extra time for.

Hot Stone

Hot stone massage utilizes basalt stones which are excellent at retaining heat. When rubbed on the body, the heat is transferred from the stones to the muscles, allowing a deep and penetrating heat. This allows the muscles to relax and makes the massage more effective. If you love heat, this is a must try! Your body takes the heat from these stones relatively quickly and helps relax and rejuvenate you.


Cupping therapy in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) dates back thousands of years and uses suction to release muscular tension. I use both silicone and plastic cups in my practice depending on the needs of the client. It is very helpful for releasing muscular and fascial restrictions. Cupping provides a negative pressure which pulls tissue up and away from the body. Suction cups are placed, or moved around on the body which increases blood circulation to that area to promote healing. This may cause marks, which typically last up to a week.